To be perceived as a Socially Competent individual or employee, one needs to be both, appropriate in his or her behaviors and appropriate in his or her image and personalities.
About Us
Together we build a strong personal brand by expressing your view, by how you see yourself, people, and the world.
We offer skills and training for modifying your behavior and transforming your image so you can be successful in a range of social context including life skills, home, and workplace.
Our approach is to support social competency and measurements to increase workplace engagement, profitability, and retention.
Do you know why people change jobs? Research shows more than 75% of workers who voluntarily left their jobs did so because of their bosses’ low social competence and not the position.

Our Programmes
Leadership, Culture at Work and Life Skills

Social Intelligence
These are people who can sense how other people feel, know intuitively what to say in social situations, and seem self-assured, even in a larger crowd. It’s just not about owning the best “people skills,” but what they truly possess is social intelligence.

Professional Image
Professional appearance shapes your reputation at your workplace. Your appearance includes clothing, grooming, manners and etiquette, personal heavier, and communication effectiveness. It helps you to stand out in a crowd.

Civility at Work
The workplace is constantly changing. How we work and communicate keeps changing but many have not changed the way they think, interact, or perceive others. One must be ready to change, making civility a culture and reality at the workplace.

Civil Communications
Can you imagine if everyone says exactly what needed to be said when it needed to be said, communication can be clear and efficient. This includes verbal, non-verbal, high-tech communications with business mannerisms and practices.

Workplace Culture
Diversity in the workplace includes culture, diversity, generations, and gender differences that can form a workplace culture. Leaders play a crucial role in managing the differences and building a uniform practice culture in an organization.

Systems Thinking
Build skills towards a possibility mindset in handling problems and managing change. This motivates towards solutions, building a better internal system to manage stress, and working towards achieving workplace goals. This strengthens life skills.
Hi! I am Geeva,
the founder of Ectaa
I am a strong believer that every individual is uniquely different. I believe every individual has a personal brand with skills, experience, and personality that want others to see and experience. It tells a story about you, it reflects on your conduct, behavior, spoken and unspoken words, attitude, and self-image. A positive personal branding not only raises your confidence level but automatically makes you stand out in the crowd

Solutions To Fit You & Your Organization

Face to Face Training
Customized training contents

Personal Coaching
Coaching to achieve professional and personal goals

Civility Culture Compass
An assessment tool to build a culture of civility in your workplace

Virtual Training
Interactive platform and multiple online tools

Online Courses
Easy online self-mastery and certifications programs

Coming Soon
Our Newsroom
Dream Big!
Don't stop to dream! We manifest, and we have a chance to get what we want or desire. That's why a positive mindset is important. It drives our actions and self-perception, which will help us progress in many folds in our lives. Once Dato Bernard Chandran said, “dream...
Quadnations! 4 countries, 4 people e-meeting for the very first time. We instantly clicked, we spoke, we listened, we shared vulnerabilities, we shared our progress AND nobody talked over another person. Communication was easy, it was a respectful and safe space. I...
Old is Gold
People Say Old is Gold! This includes the old but gold, green telephone booth. The little girl came out of me and I remembered the days when this used to be a huge hit! It was my go-to place when I needed to call especially my boyfriends, my parents for a ride...
Great Taste
A story about Albert Einstein and his driver is the foremost thing about using quick thinking and common sense! One afternoon, as Einstein and his driver, were headed to yet another lecture in yet another college lecture hall, Einstein had an idea. Speaking to his...
You are here to Fly High, not to Fly Away!
Everybody has a right to express themselves, and everybody has a right to speak their mind out on social media. Some people leave positive comments, and some people leave mean and harsh comments. People sometimes forget that social media is the first platform people...
It was my first pitch ever!
It was my first pitch ever! What did I learn about 5-minute pitching? 5 minutes pitch means, 5 slides only Tell a story that gets straight to the point of your pitch Tell the investors why you need them to give you the seed funding Show them how successful your pitch...
What People Are Saying
Affiliations and Membership

Our Community Social Responsibility Program
MY Clean Beach
Our mission is to grow and be able to carry out more campaigns on cleaning beaches around Malaysia as we continue our effort to educate and impact the public from all walks of life, age, and lifestyle.
We are a team of people, gathered together to create to raise awareness to protect and preserve marine life and tackle the growing problem of plastic pollution as well as providing recreational opportunities for people to enjoy our beautiful beaches.
Join Our Initiative.